Server outage! (UPDATED)

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Server Admin
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Server Admin
Aug 17, 2019
Dear Nova2 community,

We would like to let you know that the main server Nova2 Remastered runs on has been impacted by an incidence nearby.
A fire has erupted in one of the Data Centers of our host (OVH) on March 10 2021 at around 12:30 AM.

We do not know for sure if our server has been damaged by this fire yet but as far as we know, the fire was only able to destroy SBG2 datacenter.
As for our server, it is situated on SBG3 Data Center and hopefully no fire has made it to that building.

You can keep follow up on this incidence on these links below:

We wish that you remain calm as we prepare to launch our beta server for the meantime.
Once the main server is back online, we will be switching back immediately.

If you wish to remain connected with the community or get the latest updates, please join our discord server.


Well-known member
Ex Staff Member
Jul 7, 2020

It has just been announced that all servers in SBG3 are unharmed. They're still offline and no ETA on when they'll be online again.

For more information from OVH, you can visit the links posted above.


Your Nova Team.


Well-known member
Ex Staff Member
Jul 7, 2020
Additional info (Already announced on our discord):

We have temporarily moved to our beta server, so everyone can continue having fun here on NovaMetin2. This is until our host has resolved their issues. (Current they have no electricity and SBG1 is heavily damaged).

As for the beta server, it is now online and you can freely play there until everything is back online!

All you need to do is register a new account and patch your client.
Once that's done you will receive a character with level 140 and full items. You can also purchase everything for free from the General store in map1.

Right now only PvP is enabled for now. We hope that this will help us cut through this incident and with the minimum damage to the server.

We still have no ETA, but we will continue to update you on any progress that is relevant. Do not hesitate to message me and the rest of the staff if you have questions, our support will remain available 24/7 and we'll continue to ensure the best possible aspects of Nova despite the incident.

We appreciate your patience and hopefully, everything will be back online ASAP.


Your Nova Team.


Server Admin
Staff member
Server Admin
Aug 17, 2019

Dear @everyone,

As of this moment, the estimated date that we could give for the server to be back online is 19 March 2021(Same as the one the host has provided).

Please rest assured that we are doing the best we could to get the server up and running, we are looking forward to possibly get access to our backup server that's also located at the same data center before 19 March.
The host has also confirmed that the data center where Nova server is located is unharmed. As far as we know, the only problem is that there's a shortage in electricity which they are trying to rebuild.

Meanwhile, we will be setting up a new host and backup infrastructure for the server to be ready to move to once we get access to the data.(This will surely provide much a much better experience when it comes to PvP)

Note that this incident is one of a kind and It has never happened before during my whole career so please do bare with us.
Further updates will be posted here and on on the board.

If you're interested in reading the press report that the company has release, you can check it out on the link below.


Server Admin
Staff member
Server Admin
Aug 17, 2019


As no announcement was made for the past 2 days, I would like to remind you once again that we had no saying on this incident!
Sometimes, you cannot avoid disasters, no matter the precautions taken.

BUT what you can control is the way out of them.

This is why today we expect the community that we fought for during the past years and that stood by us during good time to also stand by us during the hard ones.
We value your loyalty but as much as we would like to compensate you for the lost play time we won't be able to do so and the best we could offer is active rates until the end of the month.

The server has taken a hit, a hit that was none of our making. And the sooner we realize that, the faster we could get back on our feet.
Therefore we also expect you to be more understandable to this whole situation as we have also lost lots of revenues during downtime and in this case NC compensation or Shiva Discount will not be the best path for our future.


Now that we're talking about the future, this disaster has taught us many things and these things will help us not have such situation once again.
Although it is very very rare for such events to happen, we were still unlucky to have it damage us.

As for the future precautions, we have already finished setting up a whole new infrastructure and much more optimized one with automated daily backups into different locations across Europe.
We cannot let this happen again and we promise that we will do our best to make sure it doesn't.


Finally I would like to thank everyone that supported us and the ones who messaged me offering their help, this event has made me realize that Nova2 is not just a server, it's a family

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Da seit 2 Tagen kein Statement von unserer Seite kam, möchte ich euch noch einmal darauf hinweisen, dass wir keinen Einfluss auf diesen Vorfall hatten.
Es ist manchmal nicht möglich Katastrophen abzuwenden, auch wenn man noch so gute Vorbereitungen im Vorfeld getroffen hat.

ABER was wir ändern können ist wie wir mit der Situation umgehen!

Aus diesem Grund erwarten wir, dass die Community, für die wir die letzten Jahre gekämpft haben und die während der guten Zeiten zu uns gehalten hat, nun auch
in dieser schwierigen Zeit an uns glaubt. Wir schätzen eure Loyalität, aber so sehr wir euch für die verlorene Spielzeit entschädigen möchten, können wir es leider
nicht tun. Das beste, was wir euch anbieten können, ist die Rates bis zum Ende des Monats zu aktivieren.

Der Server wurde hart getroffen, aber das ist nicht unsere Schuld. Je eher wir das realisieren, desto schneller können wir uns erholen.
Aus diesem Grund erwarten wir von euch auch mehr Verständnis für die derzeitige Situation, da auch uns während der Downzeit einige Einnahmen verloren gehen und deshalb NC oder ein
Shiva-Discount nicht in Frage kommen.


Dieser Vorfall hat aber nicht nur negative Seiten. Er hilft uns besser auf solche Situationen in Zukunft vorbereitet zu sein, sodass so etwas nicht noch einmal vorkommen wird.
Auch wenn es sehr unwahrscheinlich ist, dass solche Ereignisse eintreten, hatten wir dennoch Pech, dass es uns geschadet hat.

Als Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für die Zukunft haben wir bereits damit begonnen eine völlig neue und viel optimiertere Infrastruktur einzurichten, welche täglich, automatische Backups an
verschiedenen Orten in Europa erstellt.
Wir können nicht zulassen, dass sich dieser Vorfall wiederholt und wir versprechen euch, dass es nicht noch einmal dazu kommen wird.


Abschließend möchte ich jedem danken, der uns unterstüt hat und denen, die mir ihre Hilfe angeboten haben. Dieser Vorfall hat mir klar gemacht, dass Nova2 nicht nur ein Server
ist, sondern Familie.
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Caros ,

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Como nenhum anúncio foi feito nos últimos 2 dias, gostaria de lembrar mais uma vez que não tivemos nenhuma culpa sobre esse incidente!
Às vezes, desastres não podem ser evitados, não importa os cuidados tomados.

MAS o que se pode controlar é a forma de sair deles.

É por isso que hoje esperamos que a comunidade pela qual lutamos nos últimos anos e que esteve ao nosso lado nos bons tempos, também nos apoie nos tempos difíceis.
Valorizamos a vossa fidelidade, mas por mais que queiramos compensar-vos pelo tempo perdido no jogo, não poderemos fazê-lo e o melhor que podemos oferecer são taxas ativas até o final do mês.

O servidor foi atingido, um desastre que não foi causado por nós. E quanto mais cedo percebermos isso, mais rápido poderemos nos recuperar.
Portanto, também esperamos que vocês sejam mais compreensíveis com toda esta situação, já que também perdemos muitas receitas durante o tempo de inatividade e, neste caso, compensações em NC ou descontos na Shiva não serão o melhor caminho para o nosso futuro.

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Agora que falamos sobre o futuro, este desastre ensinou-nos muitas coisas e essas coisas vão nos ajudar a evitar esta situação novamente.
Embora seja muito raro que tais eventos aconteçam, ainda não tivemos a sorte de nos prejudicar.

Quanto às precauções futuras, já concluímos a configuração de uma infraestrutura totalmente nova e muito mais otimizada, com backups diários automatizados e em diferentes locais da Europa.
Não podemos deixar que isto aconteça novamente e prometemos que faremos o nosso melhor para garantir que isso não aconteça.

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Por fim, gostaria de agradecer a todos que nos apoiaram e aos que me enviaram mensagens a oferecer ajuda, este evento fez-me perceber que Nova2 não é apenas um servidor, é uma família
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Chers communauté,


Aucune annonce n'ayant été faite ces 2 derniers jours, je tiens à vous rappeler une fois de plus que nous n'avions rien à dire sur cet incident!
Parfois, vous ne pouvez pas éviter les catastrophes, quelles que soient les précautions prises.

MAIS ce que tu peux contrôler, c'est le moyen de s'en sortir.

C'est pourquoi, aujourd'hui, nous attendons de la communauté pour laquelle nous nous sommes battus ces dernières années et qui s'est tenue à nos côtés pendant les bons moments, qu'elle se tient également à nos côtés pendant les moments difficiles.
Nous apprécions votre fidélité, mais autant que nous aimerions vous compenser pour le temps de jeu perdu, nous ne serons pas en mesure de le faire et le mieux que nous puissions offrir est des tarifs actifs jusqu'à la fin du mois.
Le serveur a pris un coup, un coup qui n'était pas de notre fait. Et plus vite nous nous en rendons compte, plus vite nous pourrons nous remettre sur pied.
Par conséquent, nous nous attendons également à ce que vous soyez plus compréhensible à toute cette situation car nous avons également perdu beaucoup de revenus pendant les temps d'arrêt et dans ce cas, la compensation NC ou la remise Shiva ne sera pas la meilleure voie pour notre avenir.


Maintenant que nous parlons de l'avenir, cette catastrophe nous a appris beaucoup de choses et ces choses nous aideront à ne plus avoir une telle situation.
Bien qu'il soit très très rare que de tels événements se produisent, nous n'avons pas eu de la chance pour s'en sortir sans endommage.

En ce qui concerne les futures précautions, nous avons déjà terminé la mise en place d'une toute nouvelle infrastructure et beaucoup plus optimisée avec des sauvegardes quotidiennes automatisées dans différents endroits à travers l'Europe.
Nous ne pouvons pas laisser cela se reproduire et nous promettons que nous ferons de notre mieux pour que ce ne soit pas le cas.


Enfin je voudrais remercier tous ceux qui nous ont soutenus et ceux qui m'ont envoyé un message pour m'offrir leur aide, cet événement m'a fait prendre conscience que Nova2 n'est pas qu'un serveur, c'est une famille
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Aangezien er de afgelopen 2 dagen geen aankondigingen zijn geweest, wil ik jullie er nog eens aan herinneren dat wij geen zeggen hadden in dit incident!
Soms, gebeuren er ongelukken die niet vermeden kunnen worden, zelfs als er voorzorgsmaatregelen zijn genomen.

MAAR wat wij wel kunnen controleren is hoe we dit kunnen oplossen.

Dit is waarom wij verwachten dat de community waarvoor we gevochten hebben tijdens de afgelopen jaren en die ons hebben ondersteund tijdens de goede tijden, ons ook bij zullen staan tijdens de moeilijkere periodes.
Wij appreciëren jullie loyaliteit en hoewel we jullie wel willen compenseren voor de verloren speeltijd, zijn we hier niet toe in staat en het beste wat wij jullie kunnen aanbieden is het activeren van de rates tot het einde van de maand.

De server heeft een slag in het gezicht moeten incasseren, een slag waarop wij niet voorbereid waren en hoe vroeger wij dit realiseren, hoe sneller wij met beide benen op de grond kunnen blijven.
Daarom verwachten wij ook dat jullie meer verstaanbaar zijn ten opzichte van deze hele situatie aangezien wij ook heel veel inkomsten zijn verloren tijdens dit incident en in dit geval is een NC compensatie of een Shiva Discount niet het beste pad voor onze toekomst.


Nu we aan het praten zijn over de toekomst, deze tegenslag heeft ons veel dingen geleerd en deze zaken zullen ons helpen om niet nog eens zo'n incident voor te hebben.
Hoewel het heel heel zeldzaam is dat er zo'n bijzonder voorval gebeurd, heeft het ons helaas wel beschadigd.

Voor toekomstige voorzorgsmaatregelen hebben we al een volledige opstelling voor een hele nieuwe infrastructuur dat veel meer geoptimaliseerd is met automatische dagelijkse back-ups naar verschillende locaties over heel Europa.
We kunnen dit niet nog eens laten gebeuren en wij beloven dat we ons best zullen doen dat het ook niet zal gebeuren.


Als laatste wil ik iedereen bedanken die ons heeft ondersteund en iedereen die ons berichten heeft gestuurd om hulp te bieden, dit voorval heeft mij doen inzien dat Nova2 niet zomaar een server is, het is een familie.

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Poiché negli ultimi 2 giorni non è stato fatto alcun annuncio, vorrei ricordarvi ancora una volta che questo incedente non è dovuto a noi!
A volte i distrastri non si possono evitare nonostante le precauzioni prese.

MA quello che si può controllare è come uscirne.

Questo è il motivo per cui oggi ci aspettiamo che la comunità per la quale abbiamo lottato negli anni passati e che ci è stata accanto nei periodi favorevoli ci sia accanto anche durante i momenti difficili.

Apprezziamo la vostra fedeltà e nonostante vorremmo davvero ricompensarvi per il tempo di gioco perso, non saremo in grado di farlo e il meglio che potremmo offrire sono le rate attive fino alla fine del mese.

Il server ha subito un colpo, un colpo che non è stato causato da noi. Prima riusciamo ad accettarlo, prima potremmo rimetterci in piedi.
Pertanto ci aspettiamo che anche voi siate più comprensibili per questa situazione poiché abbiamo anche noi perso molti ricavi durante i tempi di inattività e, per tale motivo, risarcimenti di NC o sconti nello Shiva non saranno la strada migliore per il nostro futuro.

Parlando di futuro, questo disastro ci ha insegnato molte cose che ci aiuteranno a far sì che una situazione del genere non accada più.

Eventi del genere sono molto rari e siamo stati molto sfortunati ad esserne usciti danneggiati.

Per quanto riguarda le precauzioni future, abbiamo già completato la creazione di un'infrastruttura completamente nuova e molto più ottimizzata con backup giornalieri automatizzati in diverse località in tutta Europa.

Non possiamo lasciare che ciò accada di nuovo e promettiamo che faremo del nostro meglio per assicurarci che tali incidenti non si verifichino più.
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Server Admin
Staff member
Server Admin
Aug 17, 2019
Dear Community

As much as we'd love to stick to the time we have estimated for the server to be back online, this estimation was determined based on information we have collected from our host.
Now that it started to look a little unrealistic to have everything back up by 12:00 ST, I would like to inform everyone that it could take a little longer than what we expected.

Also, keep in mind that once we gain access to the server, we will be moving everything to our new setup in Gravelines, France. That procedure could also take around an hour.

Thank you for understanding.


Server Admin
Staff member
Server Admin
Aug 17, 2019
The server is back online.

We thank you all for your patience and trust.
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