Demon Tower Dungeon Guide


Active member
Aug 21, 2019
Demon Tower Dungeon Steps:

Step 1: Destroy the Metin of Toughness
Step 2: Kill all the mobs on the floor
Step 3: Kill all the mobs and the Demon King
Step 4: Destroy the Metin of Devil, this will spawn 7 Metins of Fall , you need to kill the correct one to proceed
Step 5: Kill mobs until you drop 5 key stones and unlock the pillars
Step 6: Kill the Proud Demon King to Spawn the BlackSmith and proceed
Step 7: Destroy all the Metins of Death, this will spawn a Metin of Murder, this metin will drop Unkown Old Chests, when the chest drops the Zin San Gui Map you can proceed
Step 8: Kill mobs until you drop Zin Bong In Key and use it to proceed
Step 9: Defeat the Death Reaper and a Demon King to proceed
Step 10: Defeat the Blue Death Reaper

After the Blue Death Reaper is defeated, 3 blacksmiths will spawn (WeaponSmith, ArmorSmith, Jeweller), they don't require any materials to upgrade ur gear, even tho they can fail.

Bonus needed: Strong against Monsters and Strong against Undead
Defenses needed: Resistance against Darkness
