Nova2 Remastered is Back


Server Admin
Staff member
Server Admin
Aug 17, 2019
Hello @everyone,

I want to share an important update with you. [SA]Ares has stepped down from the server admin position, leading to a shift in our initial roadmap.

In light of this change, I believe it's time for a fresh perspective and a revised plan.

Background: Since I transitioned Nova from a full-time commitment, finding the right person to guide the server's direction has been challenging. It requires someone with a unique mindset to navigate the challenges and criticisms from our community.

Actions: Rather than recruiting a new server admin, I've decided to reassume the position myself. However, it's crucial to clarify that my time is limited. I have a full-time job and a family to attend to, dedicating only my spare time to this role. To be transparent, Nova may not compete as one of the top servers, but we're committed to continuity. As a gesture of goodwill, we're migrating all accounts back to the current server, dispelling any misconceptions about wiped or deleted accounts. Your accounts were never lost; I regret the prior server shutdown. To rectify this, we're taking steps to undo any harm caused.

I sincerely apologize for the confusion and hope that some of you will consider placing trust in us again after this turbulent period of missteps.

The server will experience a brief interruption tonight to facilitate the migration of player accounts, items, and data from the previous server (pre-reset). We will provide additional details following the completion of the migration process. Thank you for your understanding.

I will try to rearrange the roadmap shared above with the realistic changes that can be brought into the game as soon as possible and share it with you in the next few days.

PS: [SA]Ares had worked on a Christmas Event, but since it was delayed. It will now be released as a winter event instead.

Kind regards,